To Pin or Not to Pin
Some people dream about their weddings from the day they are born. Some people have had bridal magazine subscriptions since they could read. Some of us have never thought about what we would want in our wedding before we were engaged. No matter which category you fall into Pinterest can be a great help to us all.
Before Pinterest, you would have to purchase bridal magazines (which are mostly ads) and dog ear pages. Then if you were really ambitious, create a board with everything you might want, which you could share with your vendors to help see your vision. Today no scissors, glue, tape or paper cuts are needed.
You can now peruse Pinterest and tag anything that catches your fancy. Then when you find your vendors share your board with them. They can see your overall choices and well as the choices that relate to their part of the event. You will always have the info at your fingertips on your phone, tablet or laptop, which is so much lighter to carry with you than a bulky board or binder.
When I created my board I started by looking at one item at a time, that way the choices are grouped closely to each other. You will start to see patterns develop based on what you are pinning. It will also leave you lasting links to things you may want to refer back to, instead of playing the what was the name of that website game.
My wedding was 3,000 miles away from where I live so my board was a lifesaver. Every vendor was able to take my pins and translate them into exactly what we had in mind. Below you will see some of my pins and the pictures of what my vendors created. They are spot on and even better than the pins in many instances.
Created by Merry & Married Meg
A couple of hints for pinning:
- If you get a little too pin happy, go back in and take out what you may have changed your mind about.
- Follow Pinners who have similar ideas as you, they will then show up in your feed so you don’t have to search as long or hard for what you are looking for.
- Remember, that not all things on Pinterest can be duplicated exactly or are feasible. Pinterest is an idea board and not always a reality board.
I cannot stress enough how helpful it can be in visualizing your dream and making it become a reality.
Merry & Married Meg
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